7 Things You Never Have to Wear Again

by Courtney Carver, author of Project 333

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”
— Hans Hofmann

Because I wrote a book about a fashion challenge, you might think I want to tell you what to wear. I don’t.

Most of us have spent so much time, energy and money on what we wear and how we look that the last thing anyone needs is more fashion advice.

I will however tell you what not to wear if you want more peace and ease in your life.

1. You never again have to wear the guilt of your past.

Guilt and regret about the past aren’t serving your present. In fact, because of that guilt, you aren’t fully enjoying your current life. Whether it is guilt about letting go of something in your closet that you spent too much on, or guilt about a past relationship or anything in between, you have paid enough. You’ve paid with your money, time, attention and emotion. You can stop paying now. Let go, apologize, forgive and choose to live free of guilt and regret.

2. You never again have to wear your pain.

How many times have you tried to shop away your pain? Retail therapy is an (more…)

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