A ‘Ugly Girl’s’ Abortion Narrative

God & Guy

I were broken up with my boyfriend for about 2 weeks once I began to sense some breast soreness. I was comfortable with all the signals of early pregnancy due to my line of work. I help girls, who’ve been fighting their whole reproductive lives to get a infant.

After I saw the immediate “second line” on my home pregnancy test, I sat on my bathroom floor. I was alone, single, recently ditched and pregnant. This really is every girl’s worst nightmare. I’d told myself that, if this were to occur to me, and If I ‘d a steady income, I’d get the infant. Either way, I made the terrible mistake to believe the guy who did this to me had a right to understand. !

His immediate reaction was denial. He said that I was lying. He said that I was doing this to rope him back into being with me. He said that I ‘d be mad to really have a baby because I’m not “secure”. He mistreated me with his words. And me, hormonal and psychological and exposed, considered that he had the right to make such a selection, or say these sorts of things to me. I considered that I was the ignorant, reckless, lowlife he was indirectly saying I was. My favourite verbatim quotation he said was “what type of sexually active girl in her mid 20’s doesn’t go on birth control”. Because it was just MY choice not to make use of a condom. Because — nicely it’s my body and I must’ve made the choice to get pregnant.

This really is the reason why this is INDEED important. This is the reason we must stand up for planned parenthood. This is the reason we must resist President Trump. Although my ex-husband was “liberal” and didn’t identify as a trump assistant, he epitomized Mr. Trump while he stood there berating me and taking away my rights to make a selection about my body. !

As I lay down on the stretcher preparing to get a surgical abortion, I thought about this guy who I permitted to make me feel so little. And how a number of other guys are out there with this precise mindset, showing such a behaviour and negativity towards girls. With that said, I went through with the an abortion. My amazing, intelligent, encouraging, activist mom was there to support me. However he wasn’t there to check up on me or ask me how I was doing. My choice, ultimately, was based largely on the reality that I didn’t want this kid to possess him as a dad. We want more dads who really enjoy girls (I understand — rather a theory)

We can’t permit this behaviour towards girls to continue. These are our bodies and we possess them. We’ve got the right to make choices about them, particularly if they are going to change the remainder of our own lives, as well as the lives of our possible offspring. This is not any longer okay for guys to order what the results are to our bodies and we can really make a difference.

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