The Kundalini Stone –

Phenacite is a potent high vibration crystal, a crystal of the Light that will generate pure, clear white light. It stimulates and activates your inner vision, the crown chakra, third eye chakra and pineal gland. Metaphysically It is said to be the highest vibrational stone of terrestrial origin. It is primarily used for 6 & 7 Chakras – Third Eye & Crown, and secondarily for the root chakra.

It has the ability to clear energy pathways in the body… and depending on where and how it is used, it has the ability to clear and heal any chakra. And most importantly, it’s been discovered to raise Kundalini without focus and external tools like chakra frequencies.

Where Does It Come From 

Deposits of Phenacite, also known as Phenakite, have been found in Russia, Norway, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Colorado USA. It’s name has two ways of being spelt, the most common being the spelling Phenacite, but Phenakite is also correct.

Why Use it?

Those who use it may experience synchronicity phenomena occurring unexpectedly in their lives.

Phenacite has a remarkable healing potential. It is able to clear, cleanse, activate, and align all the chakras in the body. It increases the vibrational energy and helps the body cells to regenerate. It can be used to heal neural disorders, nerve damage and cerebral imbalance. It activates the third eye chakra and helps to clear the mind and gain the insight. It has the capacity to bring love and positive energy into one’s life. Phenakite promotes kundalini Rising and permits access to the regions of the mind that go beyond intuition. The healing takes place on a quantum level and there is nothing magical about it.

Phenakite Healing Crystal & Chakras
The Phenakite Healing Crystal is believed to have a strong connection with all of the chakras (energy points in the body), imparting knowledge on how to activate them. Phenakite stimulates the third eye which is between, and just above, the eyes in the middle of the forehead. Depending on where it was mined the Phenakite Healing Crystal has varying properties.

How to Procure One

Kundalini and psi awakening is rapid and effortless with this stone. Due to it’s rarity, the average retailer provides this mineral at prices from $175 to $300. Click here for one such provider.

Our supplier of Lust Rubies have direct access to mine fields where the stone is sourced and creates beautiful pendants, bracelets and similar devices – often mixed with other amazing minerals like shungite, garnet and trace rubies. (Shungite is another miracle gem known to cure many diseases after mere submersion in water)

For a short period of time this May, you can obtain a beautiful, highly polished Phenacite from us for $99 (and it may randomly come with other healing gems- perhaps even tumble ruby and emerald). Of course it comes with extra Santeria programming for amazing power.

Healing with Phenacite Healing Crystal
Phenakite is believed to activate healing from the etheric body to the physical. It heals the etheric blueprint first, as a prerequisite, for physical healing. Phenakite Healing Crystal has the power to amplify the energy of other healing crystals too.

Some of the highest energy Phenakite on earth comes San Miguel de Paracicaba, Minas Gerias, Brazil. This is where all of our Phenakite comes from.

There is no measurable electric or magnetic field surrounding this beautiful crystal and there is also no radiation emanating from it. There is nothing that can be measured or observed by scientific means – only the after effects such as Kirlian photography as seen below.

Kirlian Photo of a Phenakite Crystal

Phenakite works on a completely different set of rules than other crystals. A vacuum effects the air surrounding it but the vacuum itself cannot be measured. Even frequencies of high energy versus low energy is technically incorrect in measuring the energy in Phenakite. Only the aftermath or reaction of the vacuum (crystal energy) on its surrounding can be said to have a frequency of energy. The larger the crystal the more energy it has and it effects the human energy system by balancing all the energy centers to provide healing and well being.

Throughout the human body there is an energy flow called prana. In the enlightened and healthy person, prana moves in a vertical flow and makes a big sphere around the heart. However, when a person has fear, hate or any negative emotions, whether they are conscious of it or not, prana flows horizontal and gets stuck in many places throughout the body. This blockage of energy is what turns into disease. Phenakite is like a vacuum that pulls on stuck energy (call it karma, energetic blockages or emotional garbage, it’s all the same) making the system go back to normal with a vertical, uninterrupted flow.

The higher the frequency of a crystal the better it cleanses and unblocks energy in the human body. Only a few crystals have this ability and frequency and Phenakite is the master of them all.

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