Psionic Machines: Mind Power Tools of the Elite

Psionic Machines Empower Easy Reality-Reengineering

Radionic machines are also called “wishing machines“. Through the use of special symbols and orgone-generating wizardy, these gadgets focus your thoughts with laser intensity to make your desires literally come true.

Experience has shown that radionic treatment can be helpful in a wide range of conditions. It does not replace nor interfere with conventional medical care, but supplements it. It may be of value in situations where conventional medicine has little to offer.Radionics (or psionics) is traditionally  used to heal without medicine. This 20th century science relies on extrasensory perception, chi energy and a physical amplification instrument. It is not directed at the physical body so much as at the subtle energy fields. These forces are undetected by the normal senses but it supports life and is essential for  functioning. The patient can be with the practitioner or continents away – distance is irrelevant. The scientific view of the world is now changing and Radionics had been accepted into the mainstream, especially in Europe.

Reputable radionic institutions have begun promulgating the amazing power of this technology. A few include:

The Radionic Association  |  Radionic Research Institute  |  Welz  |  Public Orgone Research Exchange

Overtime, researchers realized that radionic therapies can be utilized beyond the realm of simple healing. It can be unleashed to actually influence probabilities, thereby earning itself the monicker “wishing technologies.”


“Magic”, in the traditional sense of the word, is the influencing of reality through paranormal means.

A typical sorceress casts a spell by visualizing what she wants, creating symbols to represent her objective and going through a tiring ritual that energizes it (incense, chanting, slaughtering of chickens). Such crude rituals provide energy by releasing small amounts of chi energy. Chi subsequently amplifies her thoughts and desires.

These three steps of Visualization, Symbolism and Energizing results in the manipulation of probabilities… to her favor.

Today’s Radionic systems are essentially modern magical innovations.Regardless of the magical discipline, whether Wicca, Voodoo, Huna, Hebrew, Gothic, Celtic, the components are the same. To influence reality, the three ingredients must be present. The lack of any results in failure.


Like in traditional magic, Visualization, Symbolism and Energy are required by radionic methods to influence reality and thereby grant wishes– so to speak.

But there’s a difference in the last component of Energizing. Radionics does not derive energy from chanting, chicken slaughter and voodoo dolls. Instead, radionics relies on modern technological discoveries (orgone generators) to amass massive surges of chi energy. An orgone generator can saturate a room with much more energy than an entire coven of trained wizards sacrificing virgins on Beelzebub’s altar. Since more energy equates to naturally faster results, powerful radionic devices can outmaneuver an entire army of alzheimeric wizards. Anyone with such a device can be a metaphysical master almost overnight.

Remember the key to success in radionics:



Radionic machines cost $800 to $10,000 on the average (Google.com can determine this for you). Manufacturers of these devices justify their prices with various features such as scores of dials, copper plates, fancy electromagnetics and energy conductors.

While powerful, many of these machines fly beyond the reach of the average buyer and most are simply too hard too use. A typical $7,000 radionic device, for example, requires the user to focus intently as he sets 12 to 24 dials for “fine tuning” the symbolism of his objective or wish. Sounds easy?  Hardly. Thirty minutes can elapse with much frustration and little progress. Often, these costly machines end up gathering dust as the irritated user ends up shelving the device.

The UltraRAD series easily breaks the price barrier and smashes the learning curve. Priced from a mere $200 to $500, this line of radionics machines boast extremely high-power chi generators (OverDrive Engines)  and keypad / Z86 computer consoles to eradicate the frustration arising from dial manipulation.

In less than thirty seconds, you can set the machine on a personal wish and walk away… knowing full well that probabilities have begun shifting in your favor.

It’s really that simple.

The most affordable UltraRAD priced at $200 easily matches the power of a typical $10000 radionic device. A heavy duty UltraRAD with a computer brain can easily outpace a $8000 machine in price, power and ease of use. You can master reality. Right now.


In the early 90s, the National Institutes of Health in the United States coined a new term: the Biofield. It  pertains to a host of findings describing a subtle energy matrix*that permeates and extends beyond the physical body. It is a force omnipresent within the universe and concentrated amongst  living creatures

The Biofield is something the ancients knew all along  and which you’ve probably experienced. Called “prana”, “chi” and “ki”, the biofield is a vital force that animates our bodies and powers our daily lives. When the biofield is out of balance, we’re out of whack. Disease reflects a compromised biofield.

Each minute of our lives, our personal energy fields- the biofields – are weakened  by cellphone towers,  radioactive computer monitors, toxic colleagues,  emotional stress, and hectic crowds. We are worn down by frequencies that literally tear at our wellbeing.

It’s time to reclaim our inner wellness!

The UltraRAD  provides an unlimited source of rarified vital force to strengthen both mind and body. It tunes up the biofield through a resonant effect that harmonizes your energy and helps you to navigate smoothly through a stressful world. Think of the UltraRAD as a conduit of life force which taps into the universal energy reservoir and channels it into your biofield to create an optimal functioning state. Worldly stress causes chaos in your biolfied. The UltraRAD reverses this process, ensuring efficiency, and balance.


What is the UltraRAD

The UltraRAD ™ is a powerful energy resonator that allows your biofield to function at its optimum level. This strengthens your resilience, reverses the effects of stress and sharpens the powers of your mind.  As your physiology increases in efficiency, you will naturally experience surprising improvements in mental faculties. You will think with more clarity and focus. Your thoughts will be cohesive… even rapidly acquiring you the capabilities of Manifestation which most adherents of the occult practices look for.

What are the benefits of UltraRAD?

People who deploy the UltraRAD report having clearer thinking, augmented awareness, overriding calm, restful  sleep, enhanced mental focus, magnified psi functioning… and more.

  • The UltraRAD smooths out stressors in your life.
  • Increases available chi energy (biofield) to your etheric system
  • Strengthens your capabilities for Manifestation by charging your thoughts with power!

Does the Ultra RAD have a power source or electronic components?

The UltraRAD does not rely on power source because its Resonating Cell works like a tuning fork. This special cell is simultaneously a magnet for chi and its purifier.  It causes nearby living creatures to resonate with life-enhancing information already present within the ether.

Nonetheless, our researchers  discovered that introducing an electrically powered Amplifying Coil into the Resonating Cell creates a magnification of the projected energy waveforms. Rarified chi is cast into 3D space which can pervade a large 45 square meter room.

How long do I have to operate it before I enjoy the benefits?

Observation has shown that the physiological effects (calmness, focus, altertness) are instant, but individual experience will vary. For manifestation and reality engineering purposes, it is best to operate the UltraRAD continuously for a few hours.

What exactly is the Biofield and these energies manipulated by the UltraRAD

The universe is composed of matter, which we experience as static objects, and a sea of forces, which act upon these solid things. Now Physics is clear that solid matter is composed of oscillating matter wave packets, and what we call forces are composed of oscillating energy wave packets. Everything is composed of oscillating wave packets of one type of another.

Scientists have wondered about force field phenomena that do not fit the known forces: electroweak, gravity, and nuclear forces. These forces  that do not fall into the traditional forces are called “subtle energies.” They are called “subtle” because they cannot be observed or measured by any known instrumentation. Ironically, these subtle forces have been harnessed by our ancestors through disciplines like Yoga, Pranayama, Chi Kung and Magick. Today, the UltraRAD is among the new technologies capable of controlling these subtle energies

What does UltraMind engineer?

UltraMInd  manufactures new types of consumer products called Chi Resonators ™. A Chi Resonator ™ forges a dynamic circuit between subtle energies and classical electromagnetic energies. This circuit accomplishes 3 important things.

Resonating Cell

  1. It alters subtle energies into clarified, rarified and bioavailable forces. In the sense used here, bioavailable refers to “sanitized” chi energy which had been stripped of stagnation.  It is an ordered, more refined energy.
  2. It projects these sanitized subtle energies into a 3D environmental space. The size of the space can range from a 20 meter spherical radius to a 60 meter spherical radius. When the converted subtle energies are conducted into an environment, they create a more life-sustaining ecosystem for living creatures.
  3. This alteration and projection actively minimizes the detrimental effects of environmental stressors (cell phones, TV waves, etc) and restores the vitality of all living creatures within that vicinity.

What are the Components of the Chi Resonator

The UltraRAD is engineered using 3 components: a Resonating Cell, an Amplifying Coil and a Tuning Interface.

The main component is the Resonating Cell . The Cell works as a metallic and crystalline oscillator to alter and project raw chi energy into coherent living states. At a higher energy level, energy is conducive to the health energy states of living creatures.

The Tuning Interface is controlled by the Operator to actuate the flow of modulated electricity into the Rresonating Cell. As electricity flows,  it carries with it customizable “radionic rates”  programmed by the Operator for manifestation purposes. In essence, the chi radiating from the Resonating Cell acquires a unique programming similar to the way New Age medtitators program their crystals.

Finally, the Amplifying Coil shapes and expands the size of the energy field that is conducted into the Resonating Cell. It multiplies the power of the outgoing chi into a 3D waveform. Ultimately, an entire room will be filled with living chi energy that can be used for health augmentation, technical manifestation and even old style magic spell casting.  Furthermore, it unconditionally sanitizes the  energy states of all nearby living creatures, and thereby maximizing the internal power and resilience of the wearer, allowing him to more effectively filter out noxious  energies.


Where are subtle energies converted from? Where are they conducted to?

Dr. William Tiller surmises that subtle energies may be a type of energy within the vacuum state. He postulates that this energy is possibly altered through the magnetic vector potentials identified in quantum physics. These potentials, coming seemingly out of Zero Point Fields, are the parent field for all electromagnetic phenomena. This conversion process is taking place all the time, though in a chaotic state.

The aim of UltraMind is to engineer and produce technology that can tap into these quantum fields and refine it for specific purposes.. UltraMind call its science Chi Resonance Technology(tm) or CRT(tm). It’s direct application is through the OverDrive Engine used in all its inventions. UltraMind seeks to push this technology to mainstream channels – ultimately offering alternative energy products for both the consumer and industrial customers


You can easily test the qi energy emission of The UltraRAD with commercial instruments such as Bovis Biometers, Heliognosis meters, and VC Pendulums. Every UltraRAD is guaranteed to output fields so strong, that your hands will throb when passed near one.

You can easily set an UltraRAD on a mission in just thirty seconds! Just close your eyes, see what you want, and push a button to engage the computer on a “rate hunting” algorithm. The rates appear within seconds and you’re set.

No  hassle. No frustration. Just PURE RESULTS.

In mere days.


Bend reality to your whims!!

How do you know the unit is working?

  • More than half the population will sense a light breeze , warmth or pulsation near the machine. The palms tend to pick up the subtle vibrations of chi energy
  • For those who are energy insensitive, don’t despair that you feel little or none of the throbbing sensations. Instead, take note of other signs of increased chi in your area.  The most common benefit of the radionic machine is an increased resistance to stress from computers, heavy machinery and bright lighting. You can type for hours without strain!
  • Observe the changes in the quality of your sleep. You may experience lucid dreams and require less nap time. (4 hours sufficiency!) Astral projection can occur spontaneously.
  • Do you like to drink? The unit tends to change the flavor of liquids very quickly. Water tastes wetter and hydrates your body more quickly.
  • Relish the great mood that overtakes you. The explosion of purified chi often brings calm and enthusiasm. You will notice an almost lack of anger or frustration.
  • Delight in how things just seem to go “your way”. The chi energy puts you “into the zone” such that tasks become naturally easier to accomplish.
  • Expect many of your cravings to gradually unfold as your brain draws from the surplus chi energy…. thereby altering reality to your specifications.

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  • Extraterrestrial civilizations communicate with us by probability transduction communication. We can communicate with them by using a radionic machine. For us they use the serial numbers of the Kang Xi radicals. Probability transduction communication is faster than light. You can make your own radionic machine. Take old radio parts, like capacitors, inductive coils, etc., and wire them in a circuit, in any order, with a sampling cup, and, a rubbing plate. Number zero through nine around the knobs. Setting this circuit in a structure to hold it completes this, your radionic machine. Now, as you rub the rubbing plate, turn the knobs. When your fingers stick to the rubbing plate, that is a number of your message. Taking two numbers at a time, those numbers now presented are the serial numbers of the appropriate Kang Xi radicals. Copy them down. And, continuing doing this, you will accumulate the components of a message to you. There is your message. To answer back, one by one, leave your dials on the appropriate numbers of the Kang Xi radicals corresponding to what you want to say. When you are through with your message, you may again rub your rubbing plate as you turn your knobs to receive another message; and on and on. The sampling cup is used to draw you to the probability timeline where what you symbolize on a paper put in your sampling cup becomes your reality. Go for it.

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