The Power of The E-Prime Mind Hack

Double Your Thinking Speed with E-Prime Communications

E-Prime. Sounds fancy. So what is it? Simply put, it is a matter of writing, speaking and thinking that bolsters your flexibility by 100% and eliminates dogmatic judgmentalism by 100%.

Woah!That’s power indeed. After all, that would definitely help you in all modes of communication. So how does one do it? It’s simple.

Communicating the E-Prime way demands that you eradicate all forms of the word “to be” in your articulation.

Decades ago, Alfred Korzybski, father of general semantics naturally found that the verb “to be” led to confused thought, confused action and even fascism. The reason flows from the observation that the verb led to instant prejudice arising from Identity and Predication.


Here are examples:

“To Be”

That IS a huge battleship floating off the San Francisco Bay (Implication: INVASION! CALL OUT THE ARMY!)

E-Prime Alternative

That appears to be a huge battleship floating off the San Francisco Bay (Implication: That merits further inquiry. Might be a naval exercise)

“To Be”

Barack Obama IS a smelly President (Implication: VILLIFY THE SON OF A GUN!)

E-Prime Alternative

I find Barack Obama a smelly President (Implication: That’s my opinion though. What’s yours? Let’s discuss)

See the difference. One form of communication shuts of your thinking process to alternative ways of thinking. The other form naurally allows channels of thought and communication. Communicating without the “to be verb”allows more flexibility, creativity and lateral thinking without judgment.

Your Objective

Spend the next 24 hours speaking in E-Prime- that is- without the “to be verb”. Observe how readily and quickly you reach ideas from multiple viewpoints. It’s like blinders have been taken off!



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